Lord my God, how fantastic you are!
You are clothed in glory and grandeur!
You wear light like a robe; you open the skies like a curtain.
You build your lofty house on the waters;
You make the clouds your chariot, going around on the wings of the wind.
You make the winds your messengers;
you make fire and flame your ministers.
You established the earth on its foundations so that it will never ever fall.
You covered it with the watery deep like a piece of clothing;
the waters were higher than the mountains! (Psalm 104:1-6)
When Pentecost Day arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound from heaven like the howling of a fierce wind filled the entire house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be individual flames of fire alighting on each one of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them to speak. (Acts 2:1-4)